The Master of Science (MSc) program in Molecular Medicine is a highly popular, research-based master program at the Faculty of Medicine of the Goethe University. The program is aimed at qualifying students for independent scientific work in various areas of medical and translational research.
Aims and Scope
The MSc program is designed to convey a thorough understanding of the molecular principles of pathogenesis of human diseases and ways to identify and exploit new therapeutic options. Students learn the principles, concepts and methods required for translational research. Special emphasis is placed on the key research areas at the Faculty of Medicine, i.e. cardiovascular research, oncology/immunology and molecular pharmacology. The curriculum has a strong practical component with 3 compulsory lab rotations (each 6 weeks) aimed at equipping students with a large range of skills, and experience with different state of the art techniques. This combination of seminars, workshops and research- oriented learning guarantees sufficient experience for a successful master thesis.
Career Opportunities
After completion of the master program (degree: Master of Science) graduates may pursue a doctorate to continue a career in academic research or aim towards a position in biomedical or pharmaceutical industry.